Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bottom of the box

These are the few items that need to
be filed.  This is soooo much better
I made it to the bottom of the box! 3/4 of it needed to be shredded or recycled and the rest needs to be filed.  It took 3 solid evenings to get through that one box.  I want to make a big deal about that because I am constantly holding myself up to a standard that is beyond my human grasp.  In my perfection based imagination, I should have had this one little office completely organized/purged/completed in one day.  The reality is that it one large box of papers required quite a bit of attention and discernment.  There were some papers in that box that truly are important for me professionally, so I needed to go through it item by item.  Even if no one is reading this blog (which initially I assumed was the case b/c it's been so long since I utilized it, but have now learned that a couple of people are reading...), even if no one reads, somehow posting this process on the internet both blesses the "slow" work I'm doing and holds me accountable to keep going (i.e. I now have to actually file those important papers in a helpful way and in a timely fashion).  The items that need to be filed are in a smaller box that has replaced the giant box.

You can compare the sized of the box & amount of stuff by looking at how much
wall space you can see between the top of the box and the bottom of the self
portrait in this photo and the one below. 


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