Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's been a while. I've been very busy with work and classes, but today I finished assembling all of my written work for my Readiness Consultation. The consultation means that several supervisors (folks who have already accomplished what I'm trying to achieve) review my skills, theology, ability to be present in the moment, etc and then they write a report detailing how ready they think I am, or what areas I need more work in, for progressing in my program. They get a binder full of my materials and on Nov 12 they get an hour with me to pick my brain and emotions. I'm actually feeling pretty confident about it. Ultimately, they can't kick me out, they can just point out what I need to work on--and that sounds pretty helpful.

So, today, as I was traveling to my office to work on my binders, I stopped at the green market in Union Square and found my family!!! (Just kidding) But I did find the Stokes Family Farm truck. I'm a big enough dork that I actually called my dad to see if there was any way these were my relatives. Turns out, no. The family farm is in New Jersey, and our relatives are in Maryland--they've spread out, but not to Jersey. Bummer :P

The Green Market is wonderful. I may have mentioned it on here before, but it's basically all local farmers who drive in to sell their own produce, flowers, herbs, homemade sausage, pretzels, home spun and dyed yarn... have I sold you on it yet? It's fabulous. I bought a homemade tiny sugar free apple pie there today and a pint of no sugar added pear sauce. :D

And, finally, I managed to get all of my work completed and mailed off to my committee members...


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work and let us know of these little gems you find when just driving around.

RevSeekingWisdom said...

I am amazed they are having you go up for readiness already! Wow! That's awesome that you have been able to get your papers all done so quickly--good for you. If you want I could tell you what I know about committee members if I know any of them or I can not if that works better for you. But need your address to send you something my dear!

Amy Stokes said...

Wow! Maybe we need a family photo! Did you pull out your license and try to agrue your way to a family discount? If not, I've taught you nothing... ;p