Saturday, May 21, 2011


Through what feels like a random series of events, I have been introduced to the concept of minimalism. Now, I've seen some blogs on extreme minimalism and have watched some youtube videos of tiny houses, and this is way beyond my hopes. I feel claustrophobic just watching that! But, pairing way down is definitely my goal. I don't have a moral/political motivation right now like environmentalism or a rejection of consumerism. I don't have any particular theoretical motivation at all. What I have is a need to feel less overwhelmed in my life in general. I struggle with concentration and take adult ADD medication. I find my messy living space a difficult environment for focusing. But maintaining a clean space might be much easier if I didn't have as much stuff. There's no place for it in my NY apartment. When I had 1600 sq feet in Atlanta, it was easier to ignore. I'm in 650 sq feet here, which I think New Yorkers consider sizable. I'm trying to change my thinking about, for instance, the size of my office. It's ridiculously small in my mind. But, maybe it's just small for the amount of stuff in it. Let's see if that can change...

1 comment:

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

I agree. I couldn't find my new insurance card the other day and I went on 20 rant about how much paper is wasted by junk mail and misc paperwork. I feel like that's part of what's wrong with the world - we're too overwhelmed by "stuff".