Sunday, September 14, 2008

Everything but the kitchen sink

I've moved from the poopy place into a smaller apartment in Chinatown. The first apartment was small, as evidenced by these photos. It was a basement apartment and you can kind of see that in the photo of my bedroom:

This photo of the kitchen cracked me up when I first arrived. The kitchen and living room are one entity and so small that the sofa was right up to the cabinets and oven.

I didn't fully appreciate how HUGE the old apartment was. The new apartment belongs to the same landlord and he's just renovated it. He moved "us" into this one to try to make up for the poo and other issues in the basement apartment. The "us" is because I've taken over my cousin's lease and the landlord thinks my cousin, Colin, is still the second in this apartment. I owe major props to Colin, but I'll explain that later.

So, this new place is sooooo new that we had no kitchen cabinets when we moved in, no kitchen sink and the stove and oven still aren't hooked up. I'm not complaining--there is no poo in my doorway and that seems like a really nice thing. It also doesn't have a "dead mouse cabinet," which is also nice. (When I moved in the first apartment, my roommate, Allie, said "don't open that cabinet--we found mice in there so we threw rat poisoning in it and haven't opened it since!" It was the dead mouse cabinet.) I hope you're getting a good laugh out of this!

My other fun fact is that my new bedroom is the same size as my walk-in closet in Atlanta. The futon Colin gave me hits three walls of my room. I have to shut my bedroom door to open the drawers of my dresser. This thing is like a sleeper car! When I was trying to figure out how to make things fit, Allie asked me how I was doing. I said, "I feel like I'm working a puzzle!" She laughed at me and said, "I can buy you a puzzle." It really is tiny. Even the appliances seem like they're specially built for me--the fridge is Leslie sized--it can't be more than 5'3"--I love it b/c I'm only 5'1". The oven and stove, which are still not hooked up, the tub and bathroom sink all look like they came out of munchkin land. I'm sure even goldilocks would find them too small, but for me they're just right! Now, if only we could get the kitchen sink...