Sunday, September 14, 2008

May I have a finger sandwich, please?!!

Did you know that no one sells pimento cheese in NY? I'm realizing how southern I am in a lot of little ways. The first day I was here, my cousin, Colin, helped me move my stuff into the apartment and then walked me to lunch. We walked what felt like an eternity (though now I walk that much without even thinking about it). We got salads at a little market and picnicked in Tompkins Square Park. It was lovely! I noticed, and continue to notice, that I haven't been bitten by a single mosquito since I arrived. The constant itchy bumps all over my ankles have now healed. In Atlanta, I've been bitten by mosquitoes in the middle of December!
(side note--on my fabulous cousin: So, he not only took me for a picnic in the park and gave me his apartment, he also gave me his futon, bookshelf, dresser and nightstand. I'm sure all of this benefits him in someway too, and I hope it does, but holy moly he's been a huge help!! Giving me the lease alone helped me avoid major move-in deposits and extra costs. Thanks Colin!!!)

My co-workers/bosses in Atlanta sent me a gift basket and had it delivered to NYU Medical Center. My co-workers here were very intrigued by the basket--they said they'd never seen this type of gift before. I found that hard to believe, but it's probably a southern thing. The most perplexing fact for me is that none of these NYC apartments come with air conditioners. You can't rent an apartment in Atlanta without A/C. It's ludicrous to not install central air. But central air isn't included here--you have to buy your own window unit, like buying your own microwave. I didn't even know they still made window units!!

I'm feeling a little homesick, so this week I think I might make some pimento cheese and some bendictine. Bendictine (cucumber spread) isn't sold in Atlanta, either, but I grew up with it in Kentucky and I did make it once in Atlanta--I know, right? Only once. Whatever. I want some finger sandwiches. They're comfortable. They don't require a functioning stove or oven. I think I'll call everyone "ya'll" while I eat them, too.


Rachel said...

Y'all enjoy y'all's finger sandwiches, ya hear? :)

Yehuda said...

Yeah there. its your old from Jeffrey Greenberg from CPE. I just got your email about movie to NY. I live in NJ but work in Brooklyn. would love to see you and you can meet my wife!!! give me an email and i will send you my digits.